Sunday, February 15, 2009

25 things (the facebook tagging game)

I'm bored and really don't want to post it on facebook, too many strangers!!!! Haha.

1. I'm not so crazy about shopping, well that translates to i'm always broke so i never go shopping. I would rather spend money on good food. I tend to go the mall when feeling lonely or upset but not intend to buy anything. But then i would feel worse at the mall, seeing people and stuff... so the day gets worse. Plus, shopping gives me headache.

2. My mood swings according to the weather. If it's cloudy and grey and rainy, i get grumpy and negative. But if it's bright and sunny and warm, i talk non stop. Winter is when i get depressed because i have to use a lot of energy to stay warm. And so now i have a dilemma: i can't move to NYC it's too cold up there. The Bahamas would be super nice.

3. I'm not a pet person because i can't take care of anything. I would love to have a dog, but there will be a dog sitter attached to the dog. And i'm allergic to cat. I used to have hamsters, and parakeets, and snails (yeah), and turtle, and crazy little insects (like stone worm).

4. My next country to visit is hopefully somewhere in Europe. I can't see that day coming anytime soon thou. Oh my dark future, can't even see the light at the end of the tunnel.

5. Fav. tv show of all time is Friends. I cite Friends in my daily life. My new fav tv shows are the office and 30 rock.

6. I love photography, i love taking picture of other people.

7. I want to live near water, like a house/condo with a view of a lake, the ocean would even be better. I dreamed of having a villa on the beach of Nha Trang, unfortunately my parents didn't buy the villa, instead they broke up. Water calms me down when i'm frustrating and crazy.

8. I have very short term memory, that's why i don't remember anything about history or psychology or anything at all, except for technical stuff like how high is kitchen counter top and codes. My friends would tell me a story about myself, and it was like something she completely made up.

9. I used to play piano for 7 years, and then realized that i sucked at it, so I quit. My music path is not very bright. Even thou... i recorded 2 CDs and some more songs here and there... they are not allowed to be listened by anyone.

10. I love food. I enjoy the original flavor, the true taste, so i don't use soy sauce when eating sushi, or put chili in my pho*. I love korean food, japanese food, thai and indian food. Of course i love vietnamese food the most.

11. I love Hanoi, love it so much it hurts everytime i leave.

12. I'm not afraid of scary movies. But sometimes i get paranoid about dark spaces especially in a big house.

13. I don't own a tv, so i never watch tv, but i do watch shows online during dinner.

14. I need jeans, desperately.

15. I love dating guys who can cook, because then i won't have to and they usually make super tasty food. I hate it when a guy cant even make pasta but picky about food.

16. Even thou i'm easy going, i get mad when people are late and not keeping their promises. But then i have a best friend who's always late and breaking her promises. I get mad at her all the time and she says "you have to learn to be late". Great!

17. My fav drink is beer, all kind of beer especially stout. I don't like cocktail unless it's Long Island Ice tea. I only date guy who appreciates beer. I judge guys who doesn't like stouts (i am terrible).

18. I'm in love with my tennessee sweat pants. I can wear them everyday.

19. I am not as good as you assumed. So stop assuming.

20. Weakness: i cry every year on valentine's day.

21. I like yellow flowers, especially sun flower.

22. I'm on a soda diet, so i only drink water and coffee.

23. I'm lactose intolerant so i can't drink milk or eat too much milk product (that includes cheese, yogurt, cake, basically everything). But i can tolerate the pain pretty well.

24. I can swim, but that's about it. I am too lazy to do any other form of exercise.

25. It's very hard for me to make friends. I usually stay quiet with nothing to say, i only talk when feeling comfortable with the other person. It took me a year to start hanging out with my studio people.

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