Sunday, January 4, 2009


I don't know what to write about. Being at home is nice and all, and for sure i'm not ready to go back to school, can't imagine myself having a job either.

My friends all have jobs already. Good jobs actually. One is working for a stock company, his family owns it. One is working in marketing department for Pepsi, her salary is the highest among all of us: $800/month. Another one is working for a television company, she collects and writes the news and reads them too so she'll be on tv soon, her salary is around $500/month. Not good to live in the states but for vietnam, that kind of salary might be considered high. What about me? I really have no idea what i would be doing after graduation. No idea. So far i have a job and got paid $200/month.

Maybe it's time to come up with a plan? I want to travel, to take a few months off before starting a job. That plan won't actually work because 1. money, and 2. i can't return to the US after graduation if i don't have a job offer. So if i have a job offer by May, they wouldn't want to wait for me for a few months before i can start working right? There we go, i won't be able to travel if I get a job.

Now. If I don't get a job that would be so sad. I want to work for a few years and get my NCIDQ, then probably go to grad school in architecture. Mom freaked out when i told her it would take 3 years and a half. She wants me to go home and get married. To whom? I can totally see myself not getting married till later, when everybody has children and when mom actually worries. Funny thou. It's not 20 years ago anymore, the idea of getting married before 27 to me is totally weird. I want my career and want to have fun first. But sadly, as realized, people here still get hitched too soon, a lot of them do so because "the doctor said so" (meaning pregnant). Oh and some people i know get married because the fortune teller said so "if you don't do it this year, you'll have to wait 3 years". I would totally wait if i have only dated the guy for less than 2 years. And why would i listen to the stupid fortune teller anyway, full of crap.

So I know how to hold a baby now. He actually smiles at me when i made funny face to him. He doesn't cry when i hold him anymore, that's a good thing right?

1 comment:

Hang Pham said...

Its okay, something will come up! you know, shit happens. I never thought I wound end up working in this never-broadcast company either hahaha