Friday, May 18, 2007

Im bored and sad

My dog

Yeah who say home is sweet. Im sitting at home doing nothing right now, and really upset.
Last night me and Hang wanted to go eat sushi, but her mom was being moody so we didnt go. Today at lunch, we wanted to go sushi, but my mom was being an ass so we didnt go. Why? Her reason was, that I didn't eat dinner at home last night, well more specifically, i didn't eat dinner with my grandparents last night, so I have to go home for lunch. I was speechless. We didn't go eat sushi last night and we were not allowed to go eat sushi today because we were not allowed to go eat sushi last night?
Me and my friend are talking right now, we came to a conclusion that being at home is like being in jail. We can't go anywhere, can't have fun without having to worry about going home for lunch and dinner and no going out at night. I guess im luckier than her cuz she can't even go anywhere during the day.
That's why i need to get a job, buy a membership at the gym, take classes so I have reasons to go out, even thou i prefer just going out and having fun, not classes, not bursting my ass at the gym... oh god! It's $110 a month at the gym, not cheap, but that's our get-away place every afternoon.
I guess the only one who's happy is my dog Cotton. Doesn't he look so happy? I can't wait to go back to Knoxville, it's boring there but at least I dont have to deal with my grandma and my mom.

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