Saturday, November 25, 2006

First post

This blog is created to keep a journal about my 2 weeks in Vietnam this coming Christmas. I haven't been home for 2 years, therefore i'm super excited about the trip. There must be a lot of changes in Hanoi, and new places to visit (i'm talking about coffee shops), and hopefully my fav places are still there with the unchanged atmosphere and beauty, because they are full of memories and little secrets, full of laughs and tears, of friendly faces and love.
To me, Hanoi is the most beautiful city in the world. Always changing but then here and there, the old Hanoi still exists, lively and pretty, as if time has stopped to preserve what had been there for hundreds of years. Hanoi is very unique that everyone can name tons of things they love about it. If it's not the old quarter, then it might be West lake, the red river, the scent of flower, the winter, food, places....

I suck at writting. So I will quote the description of Hanoians group on facebook which my friend wrote, the short paragraph that includes all the love to Hanoi.

"This group is for anybody who loves Hanoi, the beloved capital of our country. For anybody who enjoys riding their bikes in the shaded boulevards of Hoang Dieu, Nguyen Du, Phan Dinh Phung, ... For anybody who loves pho, banh cuon, quay nong, bun thang, ... For anybody who likes strolling around the narrow streets of the Old Quarter. For anybody who misses the Hanoi winter, with its endless drizzles and unique chilliness. For anybody who fell in love with a Hanoi girl or guy. For anybody who spends countless hours of their life in a roadside cafe or by a lake, either alone or with their friends, just to enjoy the low-paced and pleasant lifestyle of Hanoi.

This group is for anybody whose hearts will forever stay in Hanoi."

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